The Signs of Spring, Littleton

Although the official First Day of Spring was two weeks ago, Littletonians often use other markers as evidence that the season of spring has fully arrived: daffodils blooming, trees leafing out, and lawn signs for candidates running for local office.

When I ran for local office eleven years ago, I was told, “Even though lawn signs don’t vote, people want to see them.”

So, I took the money donated to fund my candidacy for local office and bought fifty of them. You might have donated to that campaign. You might have “hosted” a sign on your lawn.

Eleven springs ago, you’d have a hard time moving from Point A to Point B in Littleton without seeing one of those fifty, strategically placed signs.

With my name on it.

For several weeks.

And now that my name is on the ballot, you might be anticipating signs with my name on them again.

Well, no can do.

This election isn’t about me, it’s about an idea.

We, Littleton, can do something meaningful and important and necessary. We can END LOCAL POVERTY.

If you want to be part of that idea, here’s your invitation to join me in getting crafty about it.

Here’s what I used:

  • 1 brown paper bag (found under the sink)
  • 2 contrasting colors of paint (found under the stairs)
  • 1 index finger (couldn’t find any brushes)

That’s it.

That there ^^^^ is this candidate’s lawn sign.

Eleven years ago, you got this:

This time around, you’re getting something different because we can choose to live our short human lives differently.

We can end local poverty,


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