Odds are Movies are a Better Bet, Chuck

The other day, I read that only one in three men have read a book in the last year, so it’s twice as likely you’ve not read any book, non-fiction or fiction, recently—never mind the several I shared with you.

That’s cool though because I love movies too.

I’m going to share with you a few that have stuck with me over the years.

The two big movies I remember from my childhood were these:


This movie left me considering a career in journalism at the tender age of 8. (Don’t ask why my parents let me watch this. It was a different time.)



Again, don’t judge, my kids’ childhood musical was RENT. Mine was JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR.

We had the record. It looked like this:

Then, there are these two movies, both from 2000.

(Note: I was still in my first year of marriage and then-childless.)

I suspect you’ve seen one of them. The other’s good, too:

Now since all those feature a female lead, you might not have been encouraged to watch them. Not your fault. You could watch them now.

This was fun and recent and has a male lead, and is about money:

Did you see it? A modern-day Robin Hood in a way.

And this was great:

It was based on a very challenging book written by a male economist who’s in the movie even if he’s not the “star.”

And, I’d be remiss not to mention the brilliance behind this man’s work. Click HERE.

If there’s something you think I should watch before Wednesday’s debate, let me know, okay, Chuck?


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